Historical mounts, Viking belt studs and medieval fittings made of zinc. 2 - 2,5 cm.

Mammen Style Viking belt mount. Decorative accessories for leather goods such as belts and bags. Zamak in silver or brass colour. 1.8 x 1.7 cm.
Magyar fitting according to a Viking pouch mount after a find from Birka. Zinc. Brass or silver colour. 2 x 2 cm
Viking Age belt fitting in so-called animal style. Decorative Accessories for medieval belts. Zamak in silver or brass colour. 1.8 x 2.5 cm.
Beautiful fitting with knot-work in so-called Borre Style after an original finding from Björkö / Birka. Zamak in silver or brass color. 1.7 x 1.6 cm.
Fitting in the shape of an open-work Celtic knot in the style of the Irish Middle Ages. Zamak in brass and silver color. Ø 2.2 cm-
Decorative Celtic knot fitting for belts and leather accessoires in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Zamak in silver or brass color. Ø 2 cm
Decorative Celtic fitting with triskelion for leather accessoires of LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Zamak in silver or bronze color. Ø 2.4 cm
Round Viking fitting depicting a Griping Beast after a historical Model from Hordaland / Norway. Zamak in silver or brass color. Ø 2.4 cm
Borre style Viking fitting replica for belts of the Viking era found in Birka / Björkö. Zamak in silver or brass color. Ø 2.5, 0.5 cm height.
Medieval mount replica of filigree floral design for leather belts in LARP and medieval re-enactment. Zamak in silver or bronze colour. Ø 2 cm.
Decorative Medieval fitting with tracery motif as decoration for historic bags and belts. Zamak in brass and silver color 2.2 cm.
Decorative Medieval mount in the shape of a Medieval buckler, the swordsman shield of the Middle Ages. Zamak in brass and silver color. 1.7 cm in...
Bar shaped fitting for the Roman Cingulum military belt, based on a model of the 3rd Century. Zamak in silver or brass colour. 3 x 1 cm.
Lily shaped mount of the Middle Ages as decoration for historical leather goods. Zamak in brass and silver color. 2.5 x 2 cm.
Early medieval mount with merovingian bird design for leather belts in medieval re-enactment. Silver or bronze color. 3 x 1,5 cm.
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