Pera Peris - Your Medieval wholesale Pera Peris - Your Medieval wholesale

Pera Peris - House of History - Your wholesaler for Roman, medieval and Viking Reenactment. More than 20 years a reliable partner for dealers and retailers of Living History!

We offer you in our Medieval Shop a variety of historical articles and museum replicas at favourable wholesale conditions for dealers and resellers.
Whether you are a market stall keeper, a shopkeeper or an online shop operator, Pera Peris is the right place to find the Medieval, Larp and Reenactment products and museum replicas from the Celts, Romans, Germans and Vikings, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance for your customers.

Are you a trader but not a reseller of Pera Peris?
Just sign up for the Middle Ages wholesale and register as a dealer!
Take advantage of our historic articles, attractive reseller terms.

Here you can register as a trader

Please read the information given there for dealers carefully so that no questions remain open and then enter your master data in the address form for resellers in our Medieval Shop.

In order to verify yourself as a dealer simply send us a link to your webshop at, or send us a copy of your trade licence, by e-mail or fax to 0049 (0) 3504-6258514 so we can register you as a reseller.

After checking your data, you will soon receive a confirmation e-mail that you are registered as a reseller.
As soon as you have received this e-mail, you can register with your e-mail and your self-selected password as a dealer.

If you are registered as a dealer in our medieval shop, you may enter the wholesale section and  see for all articles the reseller prices for wholesale customers and the corresponding quantities.

You can also download and print our catalogue as a PDF with the reseller prices.

Convince yourself, we are certain that you will find the right product for your customers in Pera Peris's Middle Ages wholesale.
We are continuously expanding our reseller range of new items for Living History and Medieval Reenactment.

Do you have any more questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us, we will gladly assist you with advice and assistance.


Pera Peris - House of History
Your retail and wholesale trade for the Middle Ages, Larp, Reenactment and Museum Replicas.
Peer Carstens
Reinhardtsgrimmaer Strasse 3
D - 01744 Dippoldiswalde

Ust.Id.Nr. DE 185 969 630

Fax: 0049 (0) 3504 - 625 85 14

For general questions about sales: Sindy Klotzsche
Tel: 0049 (0) 3504 - 625 694

For questions about current packages
: Anja Herold-Carstens
Tel: 0049 (0) 3504 - 625 695

For questions about purchasing and management:
Peer Carstens
Tel: 0049 (0) 3504 - 611 447

Do you not use an email program? Simply use the contact form to email us.

Didn't you reach us? Just use our callback service.
We will take care of your request as soon as possible.

At Pera Peris - House of History, you will receive high-quality reenactment and museum replicas from the following fields:

- Celtic and medieval jewellery
- Iron and bronze brooches and fibulae
- Historic buckles, decorative rivets, fittings
- Sheath closures and Tassel discs
- Historical belt and bodice replicas
- Medieval and Viking knives
- Reenactment camp requirements
- Medieval robes and furnishings
- Viking Seaxes and spears
- Medieval arches and arrows
- Traditional wooden bowls and bowls
- Medieval and Larp sword holders
- Renaissance rapier and sword hangings
- Germanic drinking horns and signal horns
- Medieval and Viking leather bags

Benefit from the favourable conditions and high quality of our museum replicas for the Middle Ages, Larp and Reenactment and become a retailer of Pera Peris's Medieval Shop - House of History, LARP wholesale, Viking Museum replicas and medieval reenactment.
  • Large selection
  • Availability display
  • tracking
  • Smart shop navigation
  • Friendly customer service
  • 14 days right of withdrawal
  • Over 25 years experience
  • Fast money back
  • Good returns management
  • Professional order processing
  • Overview Medieval-Shop 
  • Imprint 
  • How to order? 
  • Callback Service 
  • Payment 
  • Popup Sepa 
  • Popup PayPal 
  • Popup Bank Transfer 
  • Popup Invoice 
  • Shipping and return 
  • Popup UPS 
  • Popup DHL 
  • Popup DPD 
  • Popup Registered mail 
  • Product Liability 
  • Data Protection 
  • Right of revocation 
  • Museum replicas 
  • Wholesale 
  • Terms of Service 
  • Guestbook 
  • Newsletter 

*All prices incl. VAT, incl. packaging costs, plus Shipping costs plus any customs duties (for non-EU countries). Crossed out prices correspond to the previous price at
© 2025 Pera Peris - Haus der Historie

Pera Peris - Your Medieval wholesale

MobileST: Smartphone Template für xt:commerce Shopsoftware

Copyright © %2025 Phodana media
Version: 2.0.3

MobileST ist ein Template für die xt:commerce (v3.04 SP2.1) Shopsoftware, das allen Shop-Besuchern ein komfortables Einkaufserlebnis bietet, die mit dem Smartphone den Online-Shop besuchen. Alle Seiten sind so optimiert, dass der Besucher schnell und einfach durch die einzelnen Shopseiten navigieren kann und sofort alle nötigen Informationen auf einem Blick hat. Die Navigation durch Links ist Touch-optimiert und die Darstellung so gewählt, dass nicht mehr in die Seite hereingezoomt werden muss.

Das Template ermöglicht es mit dem Smartphone, einfach nach gewünschten Artikeln zu suchen, diese aufzurufen, und sich Produktangaben auf Artikel-Detailseiten anzuschauen. Dort findet der Besucher Produktbeschreibungen, ähnliche Angebote, die Option, den Artikel in den Warenkorb zu legen anschließend zu bestellen. Weiterhin kann das Kundenkonto verwaltet werden und getätigte Bestellungen eingesehen werden.

Unterstützte Smartphones sind: Geräte mit iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Palm web OS, Symbian und Bada



Pera Peris - Your Medieval wholesale