Viking brooches, fibulas and cloak clasps after historical models of the Viking Age

A delicately crafted replica of the famous Viking brooch from the discovery of Lindholm Hoeje. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 3 x 3.5 cm.
Replica of the so-called Trollaskogur brooch, a famous Urnes Style brooch from Iceland. Late Viking period. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 4 x 4...
Raven Brooch replica for the Germanic female robe based on example as found in the Vendel era in Sweden. 5 x 3.4 cm.
Raven brooch for female robes based on a model of the Vendel era from Gotland / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5 x 3.4 cm.
Rhomb shaped Viking brooch replica. Viking fibula based on an original find from the Viking settlement Uppåkra. 2,8 cm. Bronze, silver-plated or...
Viking brooch with the motif of intertwined snakes, based on models from the Viking Age. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 3.5 x 2.5 cm.
Viking dragon brooch based on a historical model from the late Viking Age. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 3.5 x 3.5 cm.
Replica of a bird brooch of the Vendel or Viking period according to an original find from Uppåkra / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925...
Viking brooch replica based on an original find from the Viking town Birka on the swedish isle of Björkö. 6.5 x 2.8 cm. Bronze,...
Viking Valkyrie brooch with a warrior on horseback after a find from Tissø / Denmark. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.5 x 4.5 cm.
Equal armed Viking brooch replica based on an original find from the Viking town Birka. 6.5 x 2.1 cm. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver.
Detailed horse brooch from the Viking Age from Birka in the shape of a stylised horse. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.4 x 3.2 cm.
Horse-shaped Viking brooch after a find from Birka in the shape of a stylised horse. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.4 x 3.2 cm. Left model.
Peacock shaped Viking brooch replica according to an original finding from Toftegård / Danmark. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.5 x 4.5...
Striking brooch in the style of the Viking Age with the depiction of interwind serpents. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.8 x 4 cm.
Detailed Viking ship brooch replica after the find from Lillevang on Bornholm. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.5 x 3.8 cm.
Viking tongue brooch in Jelling style. Replica of a tongue-shaped brooch of the Viking Age from Birka. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 6 x 3 cm.
Viking tongue-shaped brooch replica in Borre style based on an original find. 8.2 x 2.7 cm Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver.
Viking tongue-brooch replica in Jelling Style based on an original find from Gryta in Norway. 7 x 5 cm. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver.
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