Replica of an iron horseshoe brooch of the Viking age.
Here you can buy a small Viking brooch, also called penannular brooch or horseshoe brooch, which was forged from a twisted rod of iron.
The forged horseshoe brooch has curled ends and a nice matte black finish.
The diameter of the Viking horseshoe brooch is 4 cm, needle length 5.5 cm.
With its small diameter and the short needle, this Viking horseshoe brooch is ideal to close the neckline, but that fibula can also be used to attach the leg wraps or serves for fixing the tip of a Viking cap.
The horseshoe brooch is a more than thousand year old cloak pin and was particularly widespread in the Viking period between 790 and 1060th. But the horseshoe brooch also served already in the Roman period for closing gown and coat.