Replica of a Viking bronze comb pendant.
Several models of comb pendants from the Viking Age are known from eastern Sweden and the Baltic States and were often part of the Viking women's costume, along with other toiletries.Finds show that the beard combs, together with ear spoons and nail cleaners, were hung on chains or ribbons from the bowl brooches of the women's garments and were thus always at hand.
The Viking bronze beard comb is faithfully modelled on a find in the so-called Ringerike style, one of two identical comb pendants from the Viking Age found in England and dating to the 11th century.
Link to the historical bronze comb...
The comb pendant is made of high-quality bronze and is also available in real silver plated.
A black leather cord in 1 m length for the bronze comb is included.
The Viking comb pendant measures 4.9 x 3.5 cm.