Equal-arm brooch replica from the Vendel period.
Here you can buy an authentic replica of a Vendel Era equal-arm brooch made of bronze.This detailed replica of a Vendel Age equal-arm brooch was made after a find from Östergötland in southern Sweden, which dates to the period 550-600 AD.
Link to original Vendel Era brooches…
The Vendel period brooch is made of high-quality bronze and is also available in genuine silver-plated.
The dimensions of the brooch are 5 x 2 x 2 cm.
On the back there is a solid spiral needle construction which is also suitable for strong fabrics.
This type of qual-armed brooch was very common in the north during the first half of the Vendel period and is attested throughout Scandinavia, including Helgö in Mälardalen and Uppåkra in Skåne.
Characteristic of this type of brooch are the transverse ends and a broad, arched bow, like a bow brooch, which was often decorated with geometric ornamentation.
The equal-arm brooch of the Vendel period was a precursor of the later bowl brooch, which was widespread in the Viking period, and like the latter was worn in pairs to close the peblos of the Vendel-period women's costume at the shoulders.