Magyar pocket plate with palmette motif.
This pocket plate with palmettes is modelled on a find from the 9th - 10th century from the Hungarian Karos-Eperjesszög.Today, we know of a large number of skilfully chased pocket plates from the Carpathian Basin. These bag fittings were widespread in the area of influence of the Magyar Hungarians during the Viking Age and were used as eye-catching decorations on the sabre bags of Hungarian cavalry warriors.
Palmette decorations in different variations were typical of these pouch plates.
Through trade contacts along the great rivers, the Hungarian bag fashion also travelled north to the Viking city of Birka and was adopted by the Viking traders travelling east.
The Hungarian sabre bag was fastened with a small strap, which was located on the underside of the bag flap and pushed through a latch.
The Hungarian pouch plate is available in brass or silver colour, made of cast zamak.
Source: The Ancient Hungarians, exhibition catalogue, Hungarian National Museum Budapest 1996, ISBN 963-9046-05-01